Minnesota marijuana legalization in the works, c'mon Wisconsin

According to a news story I read, Minnesota lawmakers have compromised on legalizing marijuana with a deal that the Governor is expected to sign.

The laws will not be the same as in other states that have already legalized, since there will be no actual plants for patients. Fewer medical conditions will qualify people to receive the medicinal benefits. The marijuana is to come in forms of vapor, oil and pill.

I don't personally agree with the lack of plants for patients, BUT, it is another step in the right direction.

Minnesota will be the 22nd state to legalize pot for medical purposes.

Why is Wisconsin dragging their feet? Pretty soon all states surrounding us will at least have medicinal use laws.

Once again, I suggest that Governor Walker NOT be re-elected. He has made it obvious that he will not give one bit of attention to the legalization issue. How can it be the "wrong time" when states around us are going forward? Wisconsin will keep on losing huge amounts of revenue if nothing is done. What a waste!

Source article - http://www.news8000.com/news/politics/minn-lawmakers-say-deal-reached-on...


spoken like a true pothead

I think its commendable to stand up for what you believe in. I also think it's sad when people refuse to look at facts and seem to enjoy being lied to by our government.
Name calling and labeling others is immature and ignorant.

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