Wisconsin schools need funds, legalization could be answer

Schools all over the country are in need of funding and referendums are not always the answer. Many times, the voters just don't agree so the referendums fail, leaving financial problems for the schools to deal with. In light of the recent legalization of marijuana in some states and the information put out there to promote it, the question should be, why shouldn't it be done everywhere? The schools could most certainly benefit from tax revenue generated by sales of regulated marijuana. How many schools in Wisconsin right now are running referendums, or seriously considering running referendums? Many, I am sure. There really are no reasons not to consider it as a viable option, and I do think the time is now! Related Info - Strategy, timing key to states' pot legalization Marijuana Legalization Efforts Focus on School Funding Aid


Seems like the answer to everything lately is to legalize pot, I just do not agree.

It is a way to help the awful situations we are in right now with the economy. It was so stupid that it has gone on this long, it's a plant, jeez. and a plant that could bring in huge amounts of money for government.

Some people are just not willing to look past all the lies that have been told over the years, if they could, it would already have been legalized everywhere.

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